Normal max. Temperature is: 540°F; also available up to 750°F
Modular System: Possible as standalone or can be incorporated into an automatic line
Automatic & Manual loading is possible
Single ram design, simple to service
Welded press frame with excellent vacuum retention
Excellent hydraulic pressure control at very low pressure (when needed)
Various standard platen sizes available as well as custom sizes possible
Vacuum Laminating Press Model RLKV - Small Volume

Vacuum Press
Models 25, 40, 63 available – various Platen Sizes
Standard version equipped with electrical heating and water cooling
Variable settings for platen temperature, heating time & cooling time are possible
Lamination force adjustable
Vacuum can be activated or deactivated
From Lay-up to Depining

“Best-in-Class” software process control
Tool tracking software; lights out manufacturing
No loss of vacuum and pressure, if power turns off
“Best-in-Class” Floor space utilization
Most reliable shuttle transfer system
Most experience with complete Automation solutions
Lay-up stations, debooking stations
Tool and product storage towers