Single and Double Chambers Ovens

Various types of carts and racks available
Single and double chamber ovens available in various sizes
Trolley rack loading or shelves
Various programming levels available for multi-step processes
Double over temperature protection
Trolley type, N2 Purge type, steam type available
Assembly and cleaning in clean room for clean oven
UV Curing Machine

Metal halide and mercury UV lamp available
Strong UV penetration
High UV intensity
Fast curing
Single and double sided unit available
Dual and single UV lamp units based on productivity needs
Vacuum Chamber

For degassing and debubbling applications
Various sizes available
IR Convection Heat Conveyorized Ovens

Applications and Features:
Solder mask drying
Marking cure
Silver paste drying
Pre-baking before lamination
Carbon pattern drying
Roll to roll drying
Variable length available & divided into separate heating zones
Various types of conveyorized convection ovens available
Wide range of conveyorized ovens

Hang ovens for thin materials
Frame ovens for material as thin as 50 microns total thickness
Rack tunnel ovens with entrance and exit doors for improved temperature control
Wicket ovens
Applications include:
Solder mask drying and curing
Oxide innerlayer baking prior to lamination
Roll to Roll Process Equipment

Winders & Unwinders with full process line integration

Dry film lamination
Winders & Unwinders
Dryfilm lamination
Curing & Baking